KATEK appoints Chief Sales Officer and Chief Transformation Officer

KATEK SE: Optimally positioned to exploit opportunities in the current crises and continue strong growth

Munich, November 3rd, 2022 – The multiple crises surrounding geostrategic upheavals, supply chain problems, inflation and staff shortages harbor both opportunities and risks. In order to tackle this in the best possible way and to be optimally positioned for sales of more than one billion in the medium term, KATEK is making some changes to its management line-up.

On September 1st, Katrin Fricke took over the management of the important KATEK Grassau Group as spokeswoman for the management. From November 1, she will be supported by Stefan Redl, who has been with the company for around five years and will now take over the commercial management. Stefan Redl will also be responsible for the unit’s strategic and operational purchasing as well as IT.

As of November 1, Petra Becker, as Chief Transformation Officer, will bundle all activities in the entire KATEK Group in order to specifically reduce the strategic inventories with increasing relaxation on the component market and to coordinate all margin protection measures that enable KATEK to continue to operate appropriately and react quickly to current factor cost increases.

Petra Becker has broad management experience in this field, including more than 20 years of leadership experience in various corporations in Germany as well as at the international level – most recently as Vice President Supply Chain Management at a listed automotive supplier.

On January 1st, KATEK introduces the new position of Chief Sales Officer at group level. Klauspeter Bader, previously spokesman for the management of the KATEK Memmingen Group, will take on this position. Under his leadership over the past five years, KATEK Memmingen has convincingly demonstrated that strong and profitable growth is possible. The KATEK Memmingen Group has grown from around EUR 70 million to over EUR 100 million in recent years. In particular, the solar/renewables sector in Memmingen made a significant contribution to the success of KATEK. As Chief Sales Officer, in close cooperation with the entities, he will be responsible for new customer business, which will continue to be managed by Golo Wahl as Group Director Business Development, as well as group marketing, which will continue to be headed by Ramona Kasper, and strategic development of business with long-standing customers, including cross- and upselling.

Hendrik Thiel succeeds Klauspeter Bader as spokesman for the management of KATEK Memmingen on January 1st. Hendrik Thiel has many years of experience in positions with international sales responsibility.